Because I've been there! In fact I've been there several times of my life. And that feeling is NOT a joke. Neither is it a psychological unbalance. It is the urge of YOUR SOULS CALLING, telling you that the universe has something more in store for you.
It is time to move on Sis! And the universe has your back!
Five years ago I did't even have a Facebook account. I had literally no social life outside of work. I was working, pretty much all my awakening time. In a corporate job..completely obsessed by building someone else's business..crazy huh!!!
On new years eve 2015/16, for the first time in my life actually, I wrote down my vision for the year on a paper. I didn't write a lot of things, but I wrote places I wanted to travel to, I wrote that I wanted to start my own business and that I wanted more friends, that were similar to me.
Once I got my vision clear, the universe started to conspire for my vision to become reality. In February my old neighbour spontaneously invited me to a full weekend business event that she got an extra ticket for. In April I started my fist business and by the end of the year I had three.
Once I made my own life a priority, everything shifted.
Since then I've been constantly traveling the world on countless of business events and now have a global network of thousands of incredible people. And are blessed with a circle of friends, that are just like me.
However, Savvy Females was not the first business I started, neither the second, or the third. I failed many times before I came to where I am today and before I gained full clarity over my own path. Mainly because I didn't know where to find the answers. I was looking everywhere outside to find something that could only be found inside of me..