Are you a coach or entrepreneur?
o Struggling with work-life balance or feeling burnt out?
o Tired of bending over backwards, pleasing everyone except yourself?
o Longing for more balance, self-care and ease in your life?
o Had enough of living your life by other people's expectations and rules?
Your values mark your lifestyle
We live our live according to our set of values and beliefs. Or do we?
Values are the blueprint for how we live our lives, it defines everything we do, what we eat, how we dress, the friends we choose. Yet, most of us are pretty unconscious when it comes to live in sync with our values.
Savvy Females mentor
Mette Semb-Lund offers a coaching session where values and the foundations you build your life on are up for review.
Mette Semb-Lund
Mette is a multi-passionate professional NLP coach and life designer.
She works mainly with women one on one on business, career and health related topics as well as life coaching and life design, and has more than 3000 hours of coaching on her back.
Mette offers female leadership development programs which focus on intentional leadership based on values and value-based communication and has hosted several workshops for female leaders in small businesses.
Mette is a certified NLP coach and health coach and have numerous courses within mindfulness, hypnotherapy and career related topics.
What you'll get
You’ll be guided through Mettes signature coaching process
Clarifying your values, how you really want to feel and what you truly want for yourself
A deep dive into your why, in order to build a strong foundation for your intentional way of living and a happy fulfilled life.
Merry Christmas
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